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Privacy Policy

Hoang Bao designing company limited is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. Please read the "Privacy Policy" below to better understand the commitments we make, to respect and protect the rights of visitors:

1- Purpose and scope of information collection:
a) Information collected through the website www.linhfurniture.com will help us:

Support customers when buying products / services.
Answer customers' inquiries.
Provide you with the latest information on our website.

b) Hoang Bao designing company limited may collect personal information from customers, including:

Full name
Mobile number
Email address
Any other information if you agree to provide us with that information.

c) This information will appear when the customer:

Participate in the survey.
Respond to customer requests.
Order delivery at the company.

d) All declared information must ensure accuracy and legality. Hoang Bao designing company limited does not accept any responsibility related to the law of the declared information.

2- Scope of using information:

We may use personal information provided by our customers in the store and process this information to provide goods and services to customers. Generally, we will use this personal information in the way that customers want, including but not limited to, for any of the following purposes:

Respond to customers' specific requirements.
Send customers useful technical information or information about products and services that we deem beneficial to customers.
Other information related to the use of customers' personal information when customers use the order system through our website:

3- Time to store information:
Time to store personal information on the system is 6 months, from the date customers provide information on the website www.linhfurniture.com.

4- Address of the unit collecting and managing personal information:
- Address: 67 Xuan Thuy Street, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, HCMC. Ho Chi Minh
- Email: linhnguyen@linhfurniture.com
- Hotline: 028 628 18 488
- Tax code: 0307659811 - Date of issue: March 7, 2009

5- Means and tools for users to access and edit their personal data:
To add or edit personal information data, please contact directly via customer service hotline: (028) 6281 8488

6. Commitment to the confidentiality of customers' personal information:
- When you send your personal information to us, you agree to the terms we stated above, Hoang Bao designing company limited is committed to protecting your personal information in any way that you can. may. We will use many different information security technologies such as PCI, SSL, ... to protect this information from being retrieved, used or unwanted disclosures.
- However, due to technical limitations, no data can be transmitted over the internet that can be 100% confidential. Therefore, we cannot make a firm commitment that the information you provide to us will be kept strictly confidential, and we cannot be held responsible in the event of any access. unauthorized access to your personal information such as cases where you share information with others arbitrarily…. If you do not agree with the terms described above, we advise you not to send information to us. The privacy policy of Hoang Bao designing company limited fully complies with Articles 68 to 73 of Decree 52/2013 / ND-CP.
- We also recommend that you keep your order-related information confidential and not share it with anyone else.
- We can completely change the content on this page without prior notice, to suit the needs of Hoang Bao designing company limited as well as the needs and feedback from customers if any.
- So you agree that, when you use our website after editing, you acknowledge, agree to abide by and believe in this modification. Therefore, we recommend that you review the content of this site before accessing other content on the website as well as you should read and carefully read the "Privacy Policy" of each website you are visiting. .
- We always welcome any comments, contact and feedback from you about this "Privacy Policy". If you have any questions please contact our customer service hotline: (028) 6281 8488

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